Página Web Académica del Profesor Ing. José Luis Oslinger Gutiérrez Ph D.

Universidad del Valle

Sede Meléndez - Edifico 354 - 1008

Calle 13 N.° 100-00, Cali - Colombia

Correo-e: jose.oslinger@correounivalle.edu.co

Publicaciones (P08)

Study and Solution to the Overheating of a 71,9 MVA Generator

Authors: Oslinger, J. L.; Palacios, Jairo A.; Díaz H. J.; Jaramillo, G. A.
Book: VIII International Conference on Modeling And Simulation Of Electrical Machines, Converters And Systems, ELECTRIMACS 2005, p.1 - 5, v.1 <, fasc.
Publication year: Túnez,2005.
Keywords: Ventilating and air conditioning, Analysis and Design.

Abstract: A complete electromagnetic, thermo-dynamical, fluid flow and solid mechanics study was done in order to solve the overheating problem of a 71.9 MVA generator. Finite Elements Models were used to evaluate different aspects and to develop the final solution. The project begun at the end 2003 and finished at the beginning 2004.