Research of the Overheating in Three Synchronous Generator of 71.9 MVA
Authors: Oslinger, J. L.; Díaz, H. J.
Book: International Electric Machines and Drives
Conference IEMDC, Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers Inc, p. - ,
v. <, fasc.
Publication year: United States, 2005.
Keywords: Synchronous generators, heating,
design, simulation.
Abstract: His paper presents the results of the
overheating investigation in three synchronous generators of 71.9 MVA of a
hydroelectric power station, that exceed the norm under which were designed,
the heating restricts the generation of reactive power. A design verification
methodology of salient poles synchronous generators based on the entire
verification of the main dimensions of the magnetic circuit was created,
simulation in no load and under load by means of finite elements method (EMF),
selection of the number of slot and design of the winding of the stator based
on the study of harmonics of electromotive (emf) and magneto-motive (m.m.f)
forces elaborating the complex matrix of the winding. The comparison of
standard theory data and tests in site appears.