Página Web Académica del Profesor Ing. José Luis Oslinger Gutiérrez Ph D.

Universidad del Valle

Sede Meléndez - Edifico 354 - 1008

Calle 13 N.° 100-00, Cali - Colombia

Correo-e: jose.oslinger@correounivalle.edu.co

Publicaciones (P06)

Multiphysics modelling of a large synchronous rotational electrical machine

Authors: Oslinger, J. L.; Palacios, Jairo A.; Díaz H. J.; Jaramillo G. A. 
Event: VIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity COMPLAS VIII
Book: Simplified Virtual Laboratory's Experience On Industrial Multiphysics Modelling, Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, pp.1158 - 1159, v.2 <, fasc.
Publication year: España,2005.
Keywords: Electromagnetic, Electromechanics, Electrical Machines, Heat Transfer, CFD, MultiphysicsModeling.

Abstract: Electrical Machines present an interesting challenge in Finite Element Analysis. Electromagnetic behavior, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Heat transfer and Mechanical Analysis must be taken into account in order to have an overall understanding of the machine’s operation. This work shows the Multiphysics modeling of a 71,9MVA Synchronous Generator which presented overheating and how was the solution as well as the computational method employed. It is shown how all related physical phenomenon must be involved and how to do it efficiently with the Simplified Virtual Laboratory (SVL) method.